Post Office License Renewals

Vehicle owners are now able to renew their motor vehicle licences at selected post offices around the country. Currently the service is available in 5 of our provinces with the latecomers - Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West and Western Cape still to join the party. Click here to renew
To renew your car licence at the post office you will need to bring the MVL2 form that is sent to you in the post, a copy of ID and the appropriate fees. it is advisable to make a copy of your ID before you go otherwise be subject to the 80c photocopy fee charged by the post office.
If you did not recieve the MVL2 licence renewal notice in the post, fill in the MVL1 form which you can download below and take the completed form with you to the post office.
Click the buttons below to find a post office that will process licence renewals in your area.